How to use Whiteboard in Google Meet

Whiteboard on Google meet is best one to explain things and presentations in best way.joine a meeting and then seletct the bottom right, click Activities. Whiteboarding.Select an option: To create a new Jamboard .Start a new whiteboard To open an existing Jamboard from your drive, shared drives, or computer: Click Choose from Drive.Go through video to know about how to use openboard in google meet

How to use Whiteboard in Google Meet

Google meet has given an option like whiteboard which is helpful during meetings to present by drwaing on it live. So that everyone will understand easily

How to use GMeet Whiteboard

  • Open google meet session
  • click on 3 dot icon from the options
  • Click on whiteboard
  • Choose new whiteboard if you dont have any previous used board
  • Now you can start drawing from the option like pen, text box etc
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